Last hours…

Spend a beautiful week in Cochabamba. It is always a pleasure to come back to this nice city with it’s friendly people, mild weather and delicious food!

Sitting here enjoying my last few hours in this nice city. I will leave tonight for La Paz, where I will spend the night before taking my flight back to Switzerland Friday at 8 o’clock in the morning. (1300 CET)

I had a really good time here with Jess, who showed me around the city. Got to know some new things and rediscovered places I had been before.
We did one very nice walk on Tuesday afternoon, when went out of the city into the coutryside. It was a serene walk through vegetation along a river. We rested on a big rock at the river shore in this peaceful environement before heading back to Cocha before nightfall.

Since my parents’ arrival sunday night I also did some stuff with them to meet up with some old friend and yesterday we went up to the huge statue of Christ. It is the world’s largest of its kind, yes even larger than the world famous one in Rio de Janeiro…
It is a beautiful spot on a hill overlooking the city in all direction and gives some spectacular views:

Of course much more happened and we did some more stuff like going out and eating a lot, but I’m lazy and will stop here – a propos eating, yesterday evening we had one last big feast with everyone at the excellent restaurant ‘paprika’, was great…. now I stop.

My next entry will be from Switzerland, how boring…

At least there something to celebrate! Actually there are two things: It’s my mother’s birthday today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🙂 and my exams which I have all passed! Woohoo!

Bis gly

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